Explore connections - Build your biomedical mindmap
Use Cases
Below are examples of areas in research where you may find CoreMine Medical helpful.
Get deeper insights and find new hypothesis
Connect your topic to related research areas
Analyze the information from the derived network
Formulate a hypothesis to investigate your queries
Read existing published research on your topic
Access scientific material for your students
Identify latest information, news and videos related to your topic
Find articles based on official terms and their synonyms
Advance your queries helped by patented text-mining algorithms
Build, customize and share your gathered knowledge
CoreMine Medical is used in classes at:
The New York University
The Rochester Institute of Technology
The Univerität Bayereuth
The James Cook University
The University of Skövde
The University of Tehran
Network and collaborate with experts in your field
Explore your subject-driven expert network
Find peer-reviewers for your manuscript
Collaborate with new and relevant partners
Navigate between network of experts or their research areas
Drug discovery
Analyse correlations between drugs and diseases
Explore genes and their biological functions in correlation with
diseases to identify potential drug targets
Subscribe on the latest disease research
Predict repurposing of drugs
Assess impact of biomarkers on drug resistance